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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume
Late foetal mortality ratio
Translation | |||||||||||
Section | English 413 |
Arabic 413 |
Czech 413 |
German 413 |
Spanish 413 |
French 413 |
Italian 413 |
Japanese 413 |
Portuguese 413 |
Russian 413 |
Chinese 413 |
413-1 | late foetal mortality rate | معدل الوفيات الجنيية المتأخرة | ukazatel mrtvorozenosti | Totgeborenenquote —Totgeborenenanteil |
tasa de mortinatalidad —tasa de mortalidad fetal tardía |
taux de mortinatalité —taux de mortalité fœtale tardive |
tasso di natimortalità —tasso di mortalità fetale tardiva |
後期胎児死亡率 | proporção de óbitos fetais tardios | Коэффициент мертворождаемости | 临产胎儿死亡率 |
413-2 | late foetal mortality ratio | نسبة الوفيات الجينية المتأخرة | index mrtvorozenosti | Totgeborenenproportion | relación de mortinatalidad | rapport de mortinatalité | rapporto di natimortalità | 後期胎児死亡比 | taxa de mortalidade fetal tardia | Отношение числа мертворождений к числу живорождений | 临产死胎比 |
413-3 | foetal mortality rate | معدل الوفيات الجنينية | ukazatel fetální úmrtnosti | Fetalsterbeziffer —Fetalsterbequote —Häufigkeitsziffer der intrauterinen Sterblichkeit |
tasa de mortalidad fetal | taux de mortalité fœtale | tasso di mortalità fetale | 胎児死亡率 | proporção de óbitos fetais tardios | Коэффициент внутриутробной смертности | 胎儿死亡率 |
413-4 | foetal mortality ratio | نسبة الوفيات الجنينية | index fetální úmrtnosti | Fetalsterblichkeitsproportion | relación de mortalidad fetal | rapport de mortalité fœtale | rapporto di mortalità fetale | 胎児死亡比 | taxa de mortalidade fetal | Отношение числа внутриутробных смертей к числу живорождений | 胎儿死亡比 |
413-5 | intrauterine mortality table | جداول الوفيات الجنينية—جداول الوفيات الرحمية | tabulka fetální úmrtnosti | Schwangerschaftsverlaufstafel | tablas de mortalidad intrauterina | table de mortalité intra-utérine | tavole di mortalità intreuterina | 子宮内死亡表 | tábuas de mortalidade intra-uterina | Таблицы внутриутробной смертности | 子宫内死亡率表 |
413-6 | perinatal mortality rate | معدل وفيات المواليد المخاضية | ukazatel perinatální úmrtnosti | Perinatale Sterbeziffer —Perinatalsterbeziffer |
tasa de mortalidad perinatal | taux de mortalité périnatale | tasso di mortalità perinatale | 周産期死亡率 | taxa de mortalidade perinatal | Коэффициент перинатальной смертности | 围产期死亡率 |
The proportion of late foetal deaths (411-5) among all births is called a late foetal mortality rate 1. The ratio of late foetal deaths to live births (601-4) is called a late foetal mortality ratio 2. A foetal mortality rate 3 represents the number of known intra-uterine deaths per one thousand births in the same year while the foetal mortality ratio 4 is the ratio of intra-uterine deaths to live births in a given year. These indices greatly understate intra-uterine mortality since early intra-uterine deaths frequently remain unobserved or unknown. A better measurement of intra-uterine mortality is provided by intra-uterine mortality tables 5, a specialized application of the life table (cf. 432) which takes into account the duration of gestation. The perinatal mortality rate 6 relates perinatal deaths (411-6*) to the sum of late foetal deaths and live births. The foeto-infant death rate 7★ represents the number of known stillbirths and deaths in the first year of life per one thousand live births and stillbirths of the same reporting period.
- 1. Also called stillbirth rate. This usage is not recommended.
- 2. Also called stillbirth ratio. This usage is not recommended.
- 6. The perinatal mortality ratio relates perinatal deaths to live births only.