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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume
Positive eugenics
Translation | |||||||||||
Section | English 913 |
Arabic 913 |
Czech 913 |
German 913 |
Spanish 913 |
French 913 |
Italian 913 |
Japanese 913 |
Portuguese 913 |
Russian 913 |
Chinese 913 |
913-1 | positive eugenics | تحسين الايجابي للنسل | pozitivní eugenika | positive Eugenik | eugenesia positiva | eugénisme positif | eugenismo positivo | 積極的優生学 | eugenia positiva | Позитивная евгеникя | 积极优生学 |
913-2 | negative eugenics | تحسين السلبي للنسل | negativní eugenika | negative(s) Eugenik | eugenesia negativa | eugénisme négatif | eugenismo negativo | 消極的優生学 | eugenia negativa | Негативная евгеника | 消极优生学 |
913-3 | hereditary defect | علل وراثية | dědičná vada | Erbkrankheit —Erbleiden —Erbfehler |
enfermedades hereditarias | maladie héréditaire | malattie ereditarie | 遺伝的欠陥 | defeitos hereditários | Наследственные пороки | 遗传缺陷 |
913-4 | eugenic sterilization | تعقيم لتحسين النسل | eugenická sterilizace | eugenische Sterilisation | esterilización eugenésica | stérilisation eugénique | sterilizzazione eugenetica | 優性不妊手術 | esterilização eugênica | Евгеническая стерилизация | 优生绝育 |
913-5 | pre-marital examination | فحص قبل الزواج | předmanželské vyšetření | genetische Beratung und Untersuchung | certificado prenupcial | certificat prénuptial | certificato prenunziale | 婚前検査 | exame pré-marital | Добрачные обследования | 婚前检查 |
913-6 | dysgenic marriage | زواج الضاوي | dysgenický sňatek | dysgenische Verbindung | uniones disgénicas | union dysgénique | unioni disgeniche | 非優生学的な結婚 | casamentos disgênicos | Дисгенезисные браки | 劣生婚姻 |
A distinction was made between positive eugenics 1, aimed at increasing the number of persons believed to have desirable characteristics, and negative eugenics 2 aimed at restricting the reproduction of persons expected to transmit undesirable characteristics or hereditary defects 3. Much attention has been given to the discussion of eugenic sterilization 4, i.e., the sterilization of persons likely to transmit undesirable characteristics to their descendants. Objections to this measure have been raised on moral grounds and also because of its relatively low efficiency in reducing the frequency of recessive genes (912-6). Among the measures proposed, pre-marital examination 5 may be mentioned; this is designed to give couples intending to marry information about the probable quality of their offspring, so that prospective partners to dysgenic marriages 6, i.e., those likely to produce defectives, may be warned. More...