The Demopædia Encyclopedia on Population is under heavy modernization and maintenance. Outputs could look bizarre, sorry for the temporary inconvenience
Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume
Statistical department
Translation | |||||||||||
Section | English 204 |
Arabic 204 |
Czech 204 |
German 204 |
Spanish 204 |
French 204 |
Italian 204 |
Japanese 204 |
Portuguese 204 |
Russian 204 |
Chinese 204 |
204-1 | respondent —informant |
مستجيبون—معد ودون—مبلغون | sčítaná osoba | Zielperson —Zensit —Respondent |
censados —encuestados |
recensé —enquêté |
censiti —intervistati |
被調査者(回答者) | respondentes —informantes |
Респонденты —Опрашиваемые лица |
被调查人 —申报人 |
204-2 | interviewer —field worker —enumerator |
عدادون—مندوبو التعداد | sčítač | Zähler(in) —Zählkarte Zählorgan —Erhebungsorgan —Interviewer(in) |
empadronadores —censistas —entrevistadores |
recenseur —recenseur. agent ... —enquêteur |
agenti di censimento —ufficiali di censimento —intervistatori |
面接調査者 —実地調査者 —調査員 |
entrevistadores —agentes de recenseadores |
Переписчики —Интервьюеры —Регистраторы |
调查员 —实地工作人员 —普查员 |
204-3 | supervisor —inspector |
مفتشون—مراقبون | revizor | Aufsichtsorgan | supervisores —inspectores |
contrôleur —inspecteur —délégué |
ispettori | 指導員 | supervisores | Инспектор | 指导员 |
204-4 | statistical department | مصلحة الإحصاء—دائرة الإحصاء | statistická služba | staatliches Statistisches Amt | servicio de estadística —oficina de estadística —dirección de estadística |
service statistique —bureau de statistique —office statistique —institut de statistique |
Ufficio di statistica —Istituto di statistica |
統計局 | departamentos estatísticos | Статистические учреждения | 统计部门 |
Persons who answer questions in a census (202-1) or a survey (203-4) are called respondents 1 or informants 1. Persons who collect (130-4) the information are called interviewers 2, field workers 2 or enumerators 2, the last term being usually reserved for persons collecting information in a census. Enumerators usually work under the control of supervisors 3 or inspectors 3. General censuses (202-2) are usually taken by the statistical departments 4 of individual countries.
- 1. The term interviewee is sometimes used.
- 4. In the United States of America the office responsible for the census is called the Bureau of the Census; in England and Wales it is the General Register Office, in Scotland the General Registry Office; both are headed by a Registrar General.