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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume
First marriage rate
Translation | |||||||||||
Section | English 520 |
Arabic 520 |
Czech 520 |
German 520 |
Spanish 520 |
French 520 |
Italian 520 |
Japanese 520 |
Portuguese 520 |
Russian 520 |
Chinese 520 |
520-1 | marriage rate —nuptiality rate |
معدل الزواج—معدل الزواجية | míra sňatečnosti | Heiratsziffer —Eheschließungsziffer |
tasa de nupcialidad | taux de nuptialité | quoziente di nuzialità | 婚姻率 | taxas de casamento —taxas de nupcialidade |
Коэффициент брачности | 结婚率 |
520-2 | crude marriage rate | معدل الزواج الأولي—معدل الزواج الخام—معدل الزواج الآولى السنوي العام | hrubá míra sňatečnosti | rohe Heirats- —rohe Eheschließungs- |
tasa bruta de nupcialidad —tasa bruta anual de nupcialidad general |
taux brut de nuptialité —taux brut annuel de nuptialité générale |
quoziente generico di nuzialità —quoziente generico annuo di nuzialità |
粗婚姻率 | taxa bruta de nupcialidade | Общий коэффициент брачности | 粗结婚率 |
520-3 | male nuptiality —male nuptiality |
زواجية الذكور | mužská sňatečnost | Heiratshäufigkeit der Männer | nupcialidad masculina | nuptialité masculine | nuzialità maschile | 男子婚姻率 —男子婚姻率 |
nupcialidade masculina — |
Мужская брачность —Брачность мужская |
男性结婚率 |
520-4 | female nuptiality —female nuptiality |
زواجية الاناث | ženská sňatečnost | Heiratshäufigkeit der Frauen | nupcialidad femenina | nuptialité féminine | nuzialità femminile | 女子婚姻率 —女子婚姻率 |
nupcialidade feminina — |
Женская брачность —Брачность женского населения |
女性结婚率 |
520-5 | sex-specific marriage rate | معدل الزواج حسب الجنس | míra sňatečnosti podle pohlaví | geschlechtsspezifische Heiratsziffer | tasas de nupcialidad por sexo | taux de nuptialité par sexe | tassi di nuzialità per sesso | 男女別婚姻率 | taxa de nupcialidade específica por sexo | Коэффициенты брачности для каждого пола | 分性别结婚率 |
520-6 | first marriage rate | معدل زواج العزاب | míra sňatečnosti svobodných | Erstheiratsziffer —Heiratsziffer der Ledigen |
tasas de nupcialidad de solteros | taux de nuptialité des célibataires | tassi di nuzialità dei celibi | 初婚率 | taxas de primeiro casamento | Коэффициент брачности для лиц, ранее не состоявших в браке | 初婚率 |
520-7 | remarriage rate | معدل زواج الأرامل أو المطلقين | míra sňatečnosti ovdovělých | Wiederverheiratungsziffer —Heiratsziffer der Verwitweten oder Geschiedenen |
tasas de nupcialidad de viudos o divorciados | taux de nuptialité des veufs ou divorcés | tassi di nuzialità dei vedovi o dei divorziati | 再婚率 | taxa de recasamento | Коэффициент брачности для лиц, вступивших в новый брак | 再婚率 |
520-8 | age at marriage | عمر عند الزواج | sňatkový věk | Alter bei der Eheschließung —Heiratsalter |
edad al matrimonio —edad al casarse |
âge au mariage | età al matrimonio | 婚姻年齢 | idade ao casar | Возраст вступления в брак | 结婚年龄 |
520-9 | age-specific marriage rate | معدل الزواج حسب العمر | míra sňatečnosti podle věku | altersspezifische Heiratsziffer | tasas de nupcialidad por edad | taux de nuptialité par âge | tassi di nuzialità per età | 年齢別婚姻率 | taxas de nupcialidade específicas por idade | Возрастные коэффициенты брачности | 分年龄结婚率 |
520-10 | mean age at marriage —average age at marriage |
سن المتوسطة لدى الزواج | průměrný věk při sňatku | durchschnittlicher Heiratsalter —durchschnittliche(r,s), Alter bei der Eheschließung |
edad media de los casados | âge moyen des mariés | età media degli sposi | 平均婚姻年齢 | idade média ao casar | Средний возраст вступающих в брак | 平均结婚年龄 |
520-11 | age difference between spouses | فرق العمر بين الزوجين | rozdíl věku novomanželů | Altersunterschied der Ehepartner | diferencia de edad entre los esposos | différence d’âge entre époux | differenza di età tra gli sposi | 配偶者間の年齢差 | diferenças de idade dos cônjuges | Комбинированная классификация по возрасту | 夫妻的年龄差 |
520-12 | combined ages | أعمار متسقة | kombinovaný věk | gegenseitiges Alter | por edad combinada | âges combinés | età combinate | 年齢の組合せ | idades combinadas | Различия в возрасте между супругами | 结合的年龄 |
Relative marriage frequency is measured by marriage rates 1 or nuptiality rates 1, among which the crude marriage rate 2 gives the ratio of the total number of marriages to the total population in a given period. Male nuptiality 3 and female nuptiality 4 are often different, and can be studied separately. The terms male nuptiality and female nuptiality are used for the marriage frequency of the different sexes. A sex-specific marriage rate 5 can be computed with the appropriate population of each sex as a base. It is usual to distinguish between a first marriage rate 6, which relates the number of bachelors or spinsters (515-3 and 4) marrying to the total number of bachelors and spinsters respectively and a remarriage rate 7 which relates the number of remarriages to the total number of widowed and divorced persons. Similar rates can be computed by age or age-group of husband and wife whenever marriages are classified by age at marriage 8 of each spouse; such rates are called age-specific marriage rates 9. The tabulation of spouses by age at marriage permits the computation of the mean age at marriage 10 or average age at marriage 10 for the given year or period. Age differences between spouses 11 can be analyzed from a classification of the combined ages 12 of the spouses.
- 2. Sometimes the crude marriage rate is obtained by relating the number of newly married persons to the total population.
- 9. The terms marriage frequencies and first marriage frequencies have sometimes been used to refer to the ratio of the number of marriages or first marriages at a certain age, to the total number of persons of that age, irrespective of their marital status. Cumulated marriage frequencies and cumulated first marriage frequencies are used in cohort studies.