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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume
Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English vol.
Translation | |||||||||||
Section | English 510 |
Arabic 510 |
Czech 510 |
German 510 |
Spanish 510 |
French 510 |
Italian 510 |
Japanese 510 |
Portuguese 510 |
Russian 510 |
Chinese 510 |
510-1 | married life —conjugal life |
حياة الزوجية | manželský život | Eheleben | vida conyugal | vie conjugale | vita coniugale | 結婚生活 —夫婦生活 |
vida conjugal | Супружеская жизнь | 婚姻生活 |
510-2 | union | نهاية الزواج | konec svazku | Ende der ehelichen Lebensgemeinschaft | fin de la unión | fin d’union | fine dell’unione | 関係の終了 | final da união | Прекращение брака | 结合终了 |
510-3 | dissolution of marriage | انحلال الزواج—حل الزواج | zánik manželství | Ehelösung | disolución del matrimonio | dissolution du mariage | scioglimento del matrimonio —estinzione del matrimonio |
婚姻の解消 | dissolução do casamento | Расторжение брака | 婚姻解体 |
510-4 | widower | أرامل | vdovec | Witwer | viudo | veuf | vedovo | 寡夫(男やもめ) | viúvo | Вдовец | 鳏夫 |
510-5 | widow | أرملة | vdova | Witwe —Witfrau |
viuda | veuve | vedova | 寡婦(やもめ) | viúva | Вдова | 寡妇 |
510-6 | widowed person | أرامل | ovdovělá osoba | Verwitwete(r) —verwitwete Person |
viudos —personas viudas |
veufs —personne veuve |
vedovi | 死別者 | pessoas viúvas | Вдовые лица | 丧偶者 |
510-7 | widowhood | ترمل | vdovství | Verwitwung —Witwerschaft —Witwenschaft —Witwerstand —Witwenstand |
viudez | veuvage | vedovanza | 寡婦もしくは寡夫の状態 | viuvez | Вдовство | 丧偶 |
At the close of married life 1 or conjugal life 1, the end of union 2 coincides with the dissolution of marriage 3, i.e. the breaking of all legal obligations resulting from the status of spouse, including the removal of legal obstacles to a new marriage. If a marriage is dissolved by death the surviving spouse is called a widower 4 if male and a widow 5 if female. Widowed persons 6 live in a state of widowhood 7. More...
Audio pronunciation