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The Demopædia Encyclopedia on Population is under heavy modernization and maintenance. Outputs could look bizarre, sorry for the temporary inconvenience
Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume
Category:Pages with broken file links
Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English vol.
Pages in category "Pages with broken file links"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,630 total.
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- Abortion
- Abortion by cutterage
- Abortion by medical induction procedure
- Abortion by vacuum aspiration
- Abortion rate
- Abortion ratio
- Abridged life table
- Absentee
- Absolute frequency
- Absolute number
- Absorption
- Abstinence
- Accession to the labor force
- Accident
- Acculturation
- Accuracy
- Acquired characteristic
- Activity, ratio
- Actual population
- Acute disease
- Adding machine
- Adjusted infant mortality rate
- Administrative area
- Adolescence
- Adolescent
- Adolescent sterility
- Adult
- Adult age
- Adult mortality
- Affinal relationship
- Age
- Age at accession to the labor force
- Age at entry (into employment)
- Age at last birthday
- Age at leaving school
- Age at marriage
- Age at nearest birthday
- Age at next birthday
- Age at retirement
- Age at separation from the labor force
- Age at the birth of the last child
- Age at withdrawal (from economic activity)
- Age difference between spouses
- Age distribution
- Age group
- Age heaping
- Age misreporting
- Age period
- Age reached during the year
- Age, average
- Age, median
- Age-specific death rate
- Age-specific divorce rate
- Age-specific fertility rate
- Age-specific marital fertility rate
- Age-specific marriage rate
- Age-specific mortality
- Age-specific rate
- Ageing
- Ageing factor
- Agglomeration
- Aging
- Agnostic
- Agricultural laborer
- Agricultural labourer
- Agricultural population worker
- Agricultural worker
- Alien
- Alien visitors
- All orders migration rate
- All orders migration table
- Allel
- Allowance
- Amenorrhoea
- Analysis
- Annual death probability
- Annual migration rate
- Annual rate
- Annual rate of net migration
- Annual rate of total migration
- Anovulatory cycle
- Ante-natal clinic
- Anti-natalist
- Antinatalist
- Appliance method
- Apprentice
- Area
- Area sampling
- Arithmetic average
- Arrival
- Assimilation
- At term
- Attendance ratio
- Attribute
- Attrition
- Attrition probability
- Autochthonous
- Average
- Average age of mother
- Average duration per case
- Average family size
- Bachelor
- Balance of migration
- Baptism
- Baptism slip
- Bar chart
- Bar, chart
- Basal body temperature method
- Base
- Base date
- Baseline event
- Basic document
- Batch processing
- Bilingual
- Biological family
- Biometry
- Birth
- Birth at term
- Birth averted
- Birth control
- Birth control method
- Birth interval
- Birth interval between marriage and the Nth birth
- Birth order
- Birth rate
- Birth record
- Birth registration
- Birth timing
- Birth weight
- Birth, timing
- Birth, weight
- Births of the present marriage
- Block
- Blood relative
- Blood, relative
- Boarder
- Breastfeeding
- Broad age group
- Broken marriage
- Brother
- Burial
- Burial slip
- Calculating machine
- Calculation
- Calculus of finite differences
- Calendar-year life table
- Calendar-year table
- Call back
- Candidate to marriage
- Capital
- Card
- Card reader
- Card sorter
- Card verifier
- Case fatality rate
- Case of disease
- Cause mortality
- Cause of death
- Cause-specific death rate
- Cause-specific death ratio
- Cause-specific mortality
- Cause-specific mortality rate
- Cell frequency
- Census area
- Census operations
- Census tract
- Central city
- Central death rate
- Central memory
- Central processing unit
- Central rate
- Certificate of naturalization
- Cervical cap
- Chance
- Chance fluctuations
- Change of occupation
- Change of residence
- Change of track
- Chart
- Check
- Child
- Child at the breast
- Child mortality
- Child-woman ratio
- Childbearing
- Childhood
- Children
- Chrisom
- Chromosome
- Chronic disease
- Civil marriage
- Civil status
- Class-room
- Classification
- Classification error
- Cleaning
- Closed ended questions
- Closed population
- Cluster
- Cluster number